Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Startled by God:Wisdom in Unexpected Places; a book review

“We need to make regular appointments with God to have the eyes of heart examined, and when necessary change the prescription of our glasses. Allowing our injured eyes to be healed in the loving graze of Jesus keeps God and grace as part our lived experience not just polite ideas.” writes Joe McHugh in his newly published book, Startled By God: Wisdom From Unexpected Places. Throughout the 122 pages of Startled by God, McHugh’s stories describe his experiences of recognizing God in the ordinary and mundane. He challenges his readers to do the same and almost in every chapter; suggests practices to deepen our connection with God in our everyday life.
McHugh divides Startled by God into three parts, “What? So What? and Now What?” with each part bringing a different challenge. What? focuses on what McHugh, calls, “Dilemmas of Perspective” or rather, with how we see God in our lives. So What? , or “Dilemmas of Discipleship” confronts the reader with examining the meaning of God in their lives. Now What? or “ Dilemmas of Discernment” engages the reader in thinking about what their response to God is going to be. However, McHugh’s book focuses not on a program that one must follow but rather on developing one’s own unique relationship with God. McHugh desires his readers to claim Jesus’ healing for themselves and begin to discover the living God where they live.
While it would be possible since it is so short for one to simply to read the entire book in one or two sittings; Startled by God is designed more to be savored. Each chapter can stand on its own. One can feel free to choose the order of reading. McHugh encourages readers to read the chapter and ponder it before reading another. Experiencing God is McHugh’s desire for his readers.
In keeping with his focus of finding God in a meaningful way, McHugh writes in simple, everyday language. He approaches sharing his wisdom in a humble, graceful manner that illuminates timeless truths for the reader. His stories make the book relational and accessible for all.
Having had Joe McHugh as an instructor for a class through Perkins School of Theology, I can tell you that Joe conveys the same humility and desire for others to meet God; in person as he does in his writing. Joe is not interested in getting more people to study theology but rather in having more people be “startled by God” in those everyday places like coffee shops and hair salons.
He writes, “Prayer is a way in which God can deal with us directly, giving the stories of our lives a chance to mix with God’s great, silent story of gracious, forgiving love.” Startled by God: Wisdom from Unexpected Places, refreshed and challenged my heart, mind and soul. It exudes God’s love and draws you into to wanting more.
Available in paperback and e-reader editions, I would recommend this book for people from 16 to 106; and for seekers to seasoned disciples regardless of lifestyle or occupation. If savored, Startled by God offers new possibilities and fresh insights for all.

This review was published in the newsletter of FUMC Jackson, TN.

For more info about Joe McHugh: visit

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