Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 10: Embracing the Sacred Rhythm of Being a Dancing Monk

View of parking, sand and ocean from the top of the lighthouse
Today I embrace being a Dancing Monk, committed not only with my sisters at this retreat but with all of my brothers and sisters who desire to combine their creativity and spirituality in a way that is relational and intentional.  Today I soak up the sun and find the freedom to listen and move in my own rhythm.  The richness of the conversation, the freedom of dance and the healing power of friendship renew my Spirit.  In the midst of the chaos and the unknown, the blessings of peace and freedom abound.

 I spend my playtime today visiting the Cape May Lighthouse, climbing the 204 steps up and then the 204 steps down.  I visit the nature center and then enjoy a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone.  I practice walking slowly and contemplatively taking in the sights and sounds.  I go barefoot in the grass during our times of movement and dancing.  Today I have let go of my inhibitions; dancing, playing and laughing in ways that have been buried for a long time.

View of Cape May Point - the lake and the refuge from the Lighthouse

In soaking up the peace and holiness of St. Mary's by Sea, in experiencing community and joint spiritual practices, I lay down my anxieties about the future and the need to have it all figured out.  I am free to share the mystery and to observe as the earth, sky and sea meet that I too am part of this  Divine canvas.  

Selfie of me at the top of the lighthouse 

How to be a Dancing Monk 
Celebrate Everyday
Move Freely 
Sit Silently 
Offer Gentleness and Gratitude
Embody your Creativity 
Connect with the Holy Spirit
Always Love, Share and Sigh often 

My Rule of Life 

7 Line Poem - my maternal grandmother

Evelyn loving and listening  (Even from her bed offered these gifts to her family)
Dancing to a different drum ( highly gifted but suffered from bipolar) 
Enjoying the palm trees  (lived in California for a time) 
Making May Baskets in Pink (made for my sister and me during her last year of life) 
Je t'aime Grandmother  (required to include foreign phase, means I love you in French)
Writing mystically and creatively(wrote some devotionals and other writings) 
Living only 70 years  (tragically choked on peanut butter when I was 8 years old) 

A distant view of the Cape May Lighthouse 
 Cape May Lighthouse:

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