Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Downton Abbey and the Most Vulnerable-What Actions can we take and How can we Pray?

This past Sunday night like many in the USA I was glued to my TV watching Downton Abbey on my local PBS station.  However; I did not expect the sexual assault and battery of one of its most honest and vulnerable characters.  Reading various responses to the show on Facebook and Twitter; I have heard feelings of anger, disgust, shock and disappointment expressed.  For many of us who watch PBS because it often has less violent and graphic fare than many network and cable outlets; it was shocking that the writers would take the story in this direction.  Yet it is a realistic direction, a family and its servants that have been together for as many years as Downton Abbey covers would have more than likely experienced this type of tragedy.  More often that not it would have been a servant or even a daughter who could be controlled and manipulated.

While it is a realistic reality of something that occurs far too often even in our 21st century;  I am saddened for all of those who have loved Downton Abbey but for which this scene brought back painful memories. For those of us for whom we have no personal experience with sexual assault and battery perhaps we can  channel our energies into being there for our friends and family who have.  We can encourage them to talk about it and help to find a safe place for treatment.  We can volunteer at local agencies and shelters that assist victims of sexual assault and battery.

On wider scale; we can make known the extent of human trafficking and prostitution that continues to occur around globe.  Visit http://www.polarisproject.org/ for more information on sex trafficking around the globe.  Thistle Farms is a social enterprise that supports women who have escaped prostitution, trafficking, abuse and life on the streets; visit their website: http://www.thistlefarms.org/

Last but not least pray for the most vulnerable:

Lord we offer you today the victims of abuse and violence
We pray for their healing and for their restoration to wholeness
Help us who minister and care for them to be sensitive and non-judgmental
Fill our minds with creative ways to protect and love the most vulnerable
Direct our paths to be Jesus to them that they will know your unconditional love
All of us Lord have vulnerable places in our souls; use our vulnerabilities to help others
Free us of our guilt and shame that we can reach those still in need of healing
Increase our awareness of the needs around the globe
Protect t the most vulnerable in our midst - our orphans, our elderly, our sick, our homeless, our lonely, our jobless and our victims caught in the webs of abuse, violence, human trafficking and sex slavery

In the Name of Our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. Amen. 

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